Quotation Explorer - 'Debolina Bhawal'

Love is in heart, not in our brains... - Debolina Bhawal
Trust is the fuel to a relation, the more it is- the far the relation moves.. - Debolina Bhawal
Understanding comes out of immense love, which is harder to get in life. - Debolina Bhawal
Never trust on unknown hands, You will never know how they stand by you and back stab with their brains. - Debolina Bhawal
Apologize on you mistake in time-may you never get time again... - Debolina Bhawal
Silence is the biggest weapon sometime.. - Debolina Bhawal
A step ahead means a risk ahead... Count your steps before a mistake is made.. - Debolina Bhawal
Relationship are like glasses, once it's broken it never be like before, as broken glass remain with the broken piece stains ever... - Debolina Bhawal
Every relation need adjustments to survive, but those dies where one compromise.. - Debolina Bhawal
Solitude is the biggest medicine for once peace, It makes your heart pure and calm. - Debolina Bhawal
Making friends is easy but sustaining friendship is difficult... - Debolina Bhawal
We made mistakes learnt from them not to repeat it again. But some mistakes are made repeatedly but we feel helpless after doing it... - Debolina Bhawal
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